Les Luthiers
Les Luthiers an Argentine musical-humoristic group, widely popular in their country and among other Spanish-speaking nations, having completed 56 years of career (1967-2023). The ensemble was characterized by using music as a fundamental element of their performances, often incorporating informal instruments created from materials of everyday life.
Les Luthiers, Daniel Barenboim & Martha Argerich
Recording Engineer / Sound Technician: Miguel Zagorodny
Recording Technique: Patricia Strappa
Studio: Zar Estudio
Location: Teatro Colón, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Symphonic concert by Les Luthiers with the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra under the direction of maestro Daniel Barenboim.
Versions of «The Soldier’s Tale» by Igor Stravinsky and «The Carnival of the Animals» by Camille Saint Saëns, with introductory texts, arrangements, and intervention by Les Luthiers.
Unarrangements of «The Carnival of the Animals»: LES LUTHIERS.
Pianists: Martha Argerich and Daniel Barenboim.
Les Luthiers: Carlos López Puccio, Jorge Maronna, Marcos Mundstock, Carlos Núñez Cortés, and Daniel Rabinovich.
Les Luthiers & Joan Manuel Serrat
Album: «Antología Desordenada» Les Luthiers duo «Las malas compañías».
Recording Engineer: Miguel Zagorodny
Recording Technique: Patricia Strappa
Studio: Zar Estudio. Buenos Aires, Argentina / Spain.
Artists: Joan Manuel Serrat, Carlos López Puccio, Jorge Maronna, Marcos Mundstock, Carlos Núñez Cortés, and Daniel Rabinovich.
To celebrate five decades of career, the artist created a very personal anthology with 50 songs selected by himself: fifty compositions, mostly re-recorded and with a plethora of duets – some very surprising – with great artists.
The result is a work of very varied colors. From Calle 13 to Les Luthiers, passing through Rubén Blades, Alejandro Sanz, Joaquín Sabina, Silvio Rodriguez, Silvia Pérez Cruz, Dulce Pontes, Estopa, or Pablo Alborán, Pablo Milanés, Dani Martín, Miguel Póveda, Lolita Flores, Pi de la Serra, Carmen Linares, and so on until completing the 31 shared tracks.
Les Luthiers – Live Shows – Recording Studio
Recording Engineer / Live Sound: Miguel Zagorodny
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Recording Technique: Patricia Strappa
Studio: Zar Estudio. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
· ¡Chist!
· Lutherapia
· Aqui Les Luthiers (Cosquín)
· Los Premios Mastropiero